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Bentor in Gorontalo City: Space Contestation to Become a Favorite Mode of Transportation
Ade Permana (PhD of Anthropology, Universitas Hasanuddin) Tasrifin Tahara (Department of Anthropology, Univeritas Hasanuddin) Muh Basir Said (Department of Anthropology, Univeritas Hasanuddin) Ansar Arifin (Department of Anthropology, Univeritas Hasanuddin)



This article will describe the socio-cultural factors of the people of Gorontalo choosing bentor (Becak Motor) as a means of public transportation. Even though with various considerations such as safety reasons, actually bentor is not a proper means of transportation compared to other means of transportation (bendi, city buses, taxi, mikrolet, and online transportation). But the fact is that bentor is a favorite means of transportation for the people of Gorontalo, especially in Gorontalo City. This article is the result of anthropological research using an ethnographic approach with observational data collection techniques, interviews with informants and documentation studies. Data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive. As a favorite mode of transportation, bentor develops capital in building power relations that are supported by the cultural values of the Gorontalo people in every day lives.

Keywords: Bentor, Power Relation, and Favorite Mode of Transportation

Topic: Behavioral and Cultural Studies

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