Sustainable Fishermen Poverty: Analysis of External and Internal Factors of Fishermens Poverty in Gorontalo
Lukman Kasim (PhD of Anthropology, Hasanuddin University) Tasrifin Tahara (Department of Anthropology, Hasanuddin University) Munsi Lampe (Department of Anthropology, Hasanuddin University) Ansar Arifin (Department of Anthropology, Hasanuddin University)



This article is a holistic and integrated study of the phenomena of fishermen^s poverty in Gorontalo regarding the dimensions of economic, social and cultural life so that poverty occurs sustainably even though it has been intervened by various government programs, both central and local governments. This article is the result of qualitative research using observational data collection techniques, in-depth interviews and documentation studies which were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The phenomena of poverty is categorized based on the dimensions of poverty experienced by Gorontalo fishermen, as well as internal and external socio-cultural factors that influence the occurrence of sustainable poverty. The phenomenon of sustainable poverty for fishing communities as part of the social structure of the fishing community in Gorontalo is a consequence of the problems faced by fishermen in their business, including: difficulties in obtaining capital and business development, uncertain conditions of fishery resources, practices of using marine fishery resources in a sustainable manner. free/open use, and the inability of fishermen to control the situation and condition of the marketing of their catch. The condition requires joint handling and contributions from various scientific studies, especially anthropology

Keywords: Fishermen, Poverty, and External/Internal Factors

Topic: Behavioral and Cultural Studies

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