Indra Rahayu Setiawati

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara


People of Southeast Sulawesi are multicultural communities, four large tribes inhabit this area including Tolaki, Muna, Buton, and Moronene. The development of time caused the presence of various tribes from other regions choosing to live and settle to make Southeast Sulawesi a place of cultural plurality. As social beings who need each other, it takes awareness and respect in fulfilling nature as a human being. But in real conditions, there is often disharmony between tribes that often cause conflicts that threaten security in the community. This paper aims to study and describe the form of cultural patterns in creating harmonization of relations between tribes in Southeast Sulawesi. This paper uses qualitative methods, data collection is done by interviews, observations and literature review on related objects. The results showed that in general people with a diversity of tribes and cultures in Southeast Sulawesi can coexist and harmonize social relationships amid their lives. But on the other side, people are also often faced with social situations that are not conducive, problems that arise are sometimes only triggered by personal problems but are used by a handful of irresponsible people by bringing inter-tribal issues that trigger spontaneity reactions in the name of solidarity, in other cases economic and welfare gaps are also the cause of disarms relationships. Seeing this phenomenon takes a holistic approach to understanding the issue of plurality, multiculturalism, and harmonization of relations between tribes. This approach is in the form of analysis that can give birth to steps and recommendations that must be done to build harmony and harmony in the diversity of the southeast Sulawesi community. So it is hoped that this paper can contribute to the growth of tolerance, mutual respect, mutual autonomy, and coexistence in building areas both economically, religiously, socially, culturally, and politically.

Keywords: Diversity, Cultural Pattern, Harmonization, Inter-Tribal Relations, Southeast Sulawesi.

Topic: Behavioral and Cultural Studies

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