Haiyun Nisa (a), Koentjoro (b*)

a. Program Doktor Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada
email - haiyun.nisa[at]mail.ugm.ac.id

b. *Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada
email : koentjoro[at]ugm.ac.id


Women file for divorce is a divorce mechanism that is submitted to the Religious Court by the wife. Being in a patriarchal culture and social environment that tends to emphasize the position of women under men is an important study that underlies the courage of wives/women in filing for divorce. This study aims to find out and understand the background of women having the courage to file a lawsuit with the source of information data submitted by the wife during the court trial which is contained in the final court file. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with the data source is secondary data in the form of court files totaling 10 decisions in 2021 with the following criteria: (1). Divorce lawsuit filed by the wife- (2). the age of marriage is more than 10 years at the time of filing the lawsuit- (3). Housewife and (4). have children. The results show that for women who file for divorce, especially after 10 years of marriage, it is not an easy thing, several processes have been passed such as peace efforts from extended families and village officials. Other reasons and considerations were presented by women in the court trial who showed their courage in filing for divorce even though there were several other influencing factors such as economic dependence, social stigma, and other things. The women who sued also had the courage to be motivated by the husband^s lack of responsibility in the household and fatigue from experiencing constant fights and various negative husband behaviors. The husband^s absence from the court trial shows the husband^s lack of responsibility to restore marital conditions. For married couples, skills in problem-solving and conflict resolution are needed to catch up with a win-win solution.

Keywords: women initiate divorce, court file, the courage

Topic: Behavioral and Cultural Studies

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