Digital Media Consumption and Socio Religious Action During Covid-19 Pandemic
Turasih, Debi Fajrin Habibi, Amelia Dwi Handayani, Suciyadi Ramdhani

IAIN Syekh Nurjati


The Covid-19 pandemic is a ^mega risk^ affecting all aspects of life on a global scale. This risk is further strengthened by the development of information and communication technology that enables everyone to have easy access to information sources. This article aims to understand the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic to the risk society. Risk society is a global discourse initiated by Ulrich Beck to show that in modern society every event arises with consequences of the risks created by humans themselves. Through a qualitative approach using triangulation techniques, the Covid-19 pandemic was examined in a socio-religious perspective to understand deeply about the phenomenon occurring in society. The focus of the discussion consists of three parts: first, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the changes in the community structure- second, the cultural dynamics in risk society in the time of Covid-19 pandemic- and third, the role of the socio-religious perspective in identifying and providing recommendations to the phenomenon of risk society that occurred from the causality between Covid-19 as a pandemic and Covid-19 as a result of the reproduction of information. This socio-religious perspective can be an alternative strategy in understanding the dynamics of risk occurring in society

Keywords: Risk Society, Covid-19, Community, Humanity

Topic: Social Science and Humanities

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